Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | 1ATO1B.ZIP | 325.3K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1a to v1b upgrade package |
🔎︎ | 1B01TO02.ZIP | 95.8K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1b01 to v1b02 upgrade package |
🔎︎ | 1B02TO03.ZIP | 39.7K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1b02 to v1b03 upgrade package |
🔎︎ | 1B04_FIX.ZIP | 129.7K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1b04 hot fix |
1C01TO02.DOC | 854 | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1c01 to v1c02 upgrade package | |
🔎︎ | | 604.8K | Jun 25, 2003 | SBBS v2.3c for DOS/OS2 beta - QWK/Fido Y2K fixes and more! |
🔎︎ | 300FBETA.ZIP | 1.2M | Jan 31, 2003 | Synchronet BBS for Win32 v3.00f beta (no JavaScript) |
🔎︎ | 310IBETA.ZIP | 3.1M | Apr 30, 2002 | Synchronet BBS Software for Win32 v3.10i BETA - 04/30/02 |
🔎︎ | 310KBETA.ZIP | 2.8M | Nov 10, 2002 | Synchronet BBS Software for Win32 v3.10k BETA - 11/10/02 |
🔎︎ | | 3.8M | Dec 07, 2003 | Synchronet v3.11a-Win32 BETA - upgrade from v3.1x only |
🔎︎ | | 3.0M | Feb 27, 2004 | Synchronet v3.11b-Win32 BETA - upgrade from v3.1x only |
AFIXSBBS.DOC | 1.5K | Nov 06, 1995 | Tips on setting up Allfix with Synchronet | |
bbs_docu.mp4 | 373.5M | May 03, 2020 | Raw video interview of Rob Swindell, The BBS Documentary | |
BULLETIN.ANS | 377 | Jul 27, 1993 | Blank bulletin menu for Domain Bulletins (ANSI format) | |
BULLETIN.ASC | 288 | Jul 27, 1993 | Blank bulletin menu for Domain Bulletins (Ctrl-A format) | |
🔎︎ | | 64.3K | Aug 26, 2007 | Deuce's CIOXTRN for Win32 - runs any console app as a door |
🔎︎ | DOS4GW.ZIP | 146.5K | Jan 19, 1995 | Required for 32-bit Utilities (unzip this into your path) |
FILES.REF | 8.2K | Apr 05, 1995 | Reference of virtually all files created by Synchronet | |
HELLO | 1.4K | May 03, 1993 | Explains Synchronet QWK features - put in TEXT\QWK dir | |
🔎︎ | lib-linux.tgz | 2.4M | Aug 27, 2015 | Archive of libraries for Linux-i386 build circa 2010 |
manifest.txt | 36.3K | Dec 19, 2018 | Digital Manifesto (what happened to Digital Dynamics?) | |
PATCH.EXE | 7.7K | Oct 05, 1993 | Patch program for patching binary files (TWDATA.DAT) | |
sbbs.key | 1.9K | May 06, 2020 | Synchronet registration key for Vertrauen, if you need it | |
🔎︎ | SBBS1B01.ZIP | 1.1M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1b rev 1 Jan-25-1993 |
🔎︎ | SBBS1B05.ZIP | 1.2M | Dec 27, 2020 | Synchronet v1b r5 Multinode BBS Software 4 Node DEMO versi Synchronet v1b r5 Multinode BBS Software
4 Node DEMO version for evaluation.
Internal QWK off-line reader and network
support. FidoNet and PostLink compatible.
Multichannel and private key-by-key chat
between nodes. Includes 3 multiplayer games
and multiuser external program software
development kit (XSDK) for C programmers.
Internal support for CD-ROM and multidisk
changers. DESQview enhanced operation.
🔎︎ | SBBS1C00.ZIP | 1.3M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1c rev 0: full install disk Synchronet v1c r0 Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
Internal QWK off-line reader and network
support. FidoNet and PostLink compatible.
Multichannel and private key-by-key chat
between nodes. Includes 3 multiplayer games
and multiuser external program software
development kit (XSDK) for C programmers.
Internal support for CD-ROM and multidisk
changers. DV, OS/2 & Win enhanced operation.
🔎︎ | SBBS1C02.ZIP | 745.9K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1c rev 2: demo disk Synchronet v1c r1 Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
Internal QWK off-line reader and network
support. FidoNet and PostLink compatible.
Multichannel and private key-by-key chat
between nodes. Includes 3 multiplayer games
and multiuser external program software
development kit (XSDK) for C programmers.
Internal support for CD-ROM and multidisk
changers. DV, OS/2 & Win enhanced operation.
🔎︎ | SBBS200A.ZIP | 779.2K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.00a Multinode BBS Software Unregistered demo Synchronet v2.00a Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
New major version upgrade includes SMB
high-speed/high-volume message base format,
programmable command and menu structure,
FOSSIL/BIOS Int 14h driver support, blind
uploads, swap for any external program from
anywhere, multinode telegrams and chat at
any prompt, multiple chat action sets,
gurus, door sections, events, and much more.
🔎︎ | SBBS200F.ZIP | 844.4K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.00f Multinode BBS Software Unregistered demo Synchronet v2.00f Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
New major version upgrade includes SMB
high-speed/high-volume message base format,
programmable command and menu structure,
FOSSIL/BIOS Int 14h driver support, blind
uploads, swap for any external program from
anywhere, multinode telegrams and chat at
any prompt, multiple chat action sets,
gurus, door sections, events, and much more.
🔎︎ | SBBS200G.ZIP | 851.7K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.00g Multinode BBS Software Unregistered demo Synchronet v2.00g Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
New major version upgrade includes SMB
high-speed/high-volume message base format,
programmable command and menu structure,
FOSSIL/BIOS Int 14h driver support, blind
uploads, swap for any external program from
anywhere, multinode telegrams and chat at
any prompt, multiple chat action sets,
gurus, door sections, events, and much more.
🔎︎ | SBBS210A.ZIP | 905.3K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.10a Multinode BBS Software Unregistered demo Synchronet v2.10a Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
New major version upgrade includes SMB
high-speed/high-volume message base format,
programmable command and menu structure,
FOSSIL/BIOS Int 14h driver support, blind
uploads, swap for any external program from
anywhere, multinode telegrams and chat at
any prompt, multiple chat action sets,
gurus, door sections, events, and much more.
🔎︎ | SBBS211A.ZIP | 944.7K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.11a Multinode BBS Software Unregistered demo Synchronet v2.11a Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
2.1 adds routed QWKnetmail, LZH compressed
message areas, Hyper Allocation msg storage,
split-screen private node-to-node chat,
enhanced file tagging, and additional Baja
functions. v2.11 adds many Baja enhancments,
improved local security, support for MSGTMP
editors, pre-QWK packing, support for upload
conversions, import/export area lists & more.
🔎︎ | SBBS220A.ZIP | 1.0M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.20a Multinode BBS Software Unregistered demo Synchronet v2.20a Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
2.2 adds WIP (Windows Interface) support,
extended programmability, multi-language
support, login matrix, 32-bit config program
and more.
🔎︎ | SBBS22_O.ZIP | 404.6K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet 32-bit OS/2 Utilities (updated with v2.20 of SB Synchronet 32-bit OS/2 Utilities
(updated with v2.20 of SBBS)
🔎︎ | SBBS22_X.ZIP | 578.3K | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet 32-bit DOS Utilities (updated with v2.20 of SBB Synchronet 32-bit DOS Utilities
(updated with v2.20 of SBBS)
🔎︎ | SBBS22UP.ZIP | 1.0M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.20 upgrade kit. Requires a new key file, if Synchronet v2.20 upgrade kit. Requires
a new key file, if running registered.
🔎︎ | SBBS230A.ZIP | 4.6M | Dec 29, 2020 | Synchronet v2.30a Multinode BBS Software w/16-bit DOS and Synchronet v2.30a Multinode BBS Software
w/16-bit DOS and 32-bit OS/2 executables
many 32-bit DOS and Windows executables.
2.3 adds light-bar support, enhanced BAJA
programmability, enhanced OS/2 support,
enhanced e-mail (performance, security,
and threading), verbal modem result codes
and auto-init functionality (makes
installing new modems a breeze).
Now, unlimited nodes for FREE!
🔎︎ | SBBS230B.ZIP | 4.6M | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet BBS Software v2.30b for DOS/OS2 (09/05/97) |
🔎︎ | SBBS300C.ZIP | 4.6M | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet v3.00c Multinode BBS Software for Win32 INSTALL |
🔎︎ | | 5.5M | Mar 02, 2003 | Synchronet BBS Software v3.10L-Win32 beta INSTALL/UPGRADE Synchronet v3.10L Internet BBS Software
for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP - Install
or Upgrade from v2.x or v3.x. Includes
integrated Telnet, RLogin, FTP, NNTP
and Mail servers. Up to 250 nodes in one
window! Supports popular DOS doors, 32-bit
WinSock doors, multinode chat, QWK, FidoNet,
and much, much more! Highly customizable.
Your BBS Software for the New Millennium!
Check for the latest and
greatest. See v310_new.txt for list of new
🔎︎ | | 6.1M | Dec 31, 2004 | Synchronet-Win32 BBS Software v3.12a (Dec-31-2004) Synchronet v3.12a Internet BBS Software
for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP - Install
or Upgrade from v2.x or v3.x. Includes
integrated Telnet/RLogin, FTP, NNTP, Web,
IRC, Mail, and List servers. Up to 250
nodes in one window! Supports popular DOS
doors, 32-bit WinSock doors, multinode
chat, QWK, FidoNet, and much, much more!
Highly customizable and scriptable.
Check for the latest and
greatest. See v312_new.html for list of
new features. Released: Dec-31-2004
SBBS4OS2.FAQ | 8.2K | Mar 26, 1996 | Answers to frequently asked questions about SBBS4OS2 3/26 | |
sbbsdist.lst | 3.0K | Aug 27, 2015 | Data file for Synchronet common "installer" idea, 2005 | |
🔎︎ | | 3.0M | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet BBS Software Documentation in HTML format. Win3 |
sbbsecho.exe | 264.0K | Mar 01, 2005 | SBBSecho v2.10-Win32 (rev 1.164) | |
SBBSHACK.TXT | 5.4K | Dec 27, 2014 | The real story behind hacking Synchronet via DSZ (1/28/93) | |
🔎︎ | SBBSQNET.ZIP | 2.7K | Sep 16, 1995 | Telix QWKnet Script v2.00 - updated 09/17/95 |
🔎︎ | | 167.7K | Feb 07, 2018 | Synchronet Blackjack v3.20 for Windows (native door game) |
🔎︎ | SBLDAB.ZIP | 84.3K | Jun 16, 1995 | SBL.DAB from Vertrauen (06/17/95) |
🔎︎ | SBLUTILS.ZIP | 68.2K | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet BBS List import/export utils (v2.20) - Win32 |
🔎︎ | SBUP300C.ZIP | 2.5M | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet v3.00c Multinode BBS Software for Win32 UPGRADE |
SEND2MDM.EXE | 22.8K | Apr 05, 1995 | Command line utility to send commands to your modem | |
🔎︎ | | 62.4K | Jun 12, 2005 | Synchronet External X/Y/Zmodem (SEXYZ) File Transfer Proto Synchronet External X/Y/Zmodem (SEXYZ)
File Transfer Protocol Driver v1.65-Win32
for Windows TCP/Socket/Telnet-based BBSes
(e.g. Synchronet-Win32).
🔎︎ | | 68.9K | Jan 19, 2006 | Synchronet External X/Y/Zmodem (SEXYZ) File Transfer Proto Synchronet External X/Y/Zmodem (SEXYZ)
File Transfer Protocol Driver v1.74-Win32
for Windows TCP/Socket/Telnet-based BBSes
(e.g. Synchronet-Win32).
🔎︎ | | 407.7K | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet Match Maker (BBS door) v2.10 supports any DOOR. |
🔎︎ | | 234.8K | May 05, 2019 | SEXPOTS v1.28 for Win32 (old version) |
SQUISH.CFG | 32.0K | Jul 25, 1994 | Squish config file used by Vertrauen for a few days | |
🔎︎ | | 18.1M | Oct 19, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software Ancient source code circa 1992 (v1 Synchronet BBS Software Ancient source code
(8086/8088 Assembler and C for for MS-DOS)
circa 1991 (v1a00) to 1995 (v2.10a) released
to the public domain.
🔎︎ | | 867.3K | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet for DOS & OS/2 v2.30b C Source Code (1997) |
🔎︎ | | 1.8M | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet BBS v3.00c for Win32/Linux C/C+ source code |
🔎︎ | | 2.8M | Dec 31, 2004 | Synchronet-Win32 v3.12a C/C++ source code (Dec-31-2004) Synchronet-Win32 BBS Software
C/C++ source code archive (12/31/04)
Unzip *with* directories!
🔎︎ | SUTL1C02.ZIP | 668.2K | Dec 28, 2020 | Synchronet BBS Software v1c rev 2: util disk |
🔎︎ | SUTL200G.ZIP | 1.3M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.00g Multinode BBS Utilities Unregistered dem Synchronet v2.00g Multinode BBS Utilities
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
New major version upgrade includes SMB
high-speed/high-volume message base format,
programmable command and menu structure,
FOSSIL/BIOS Int 14h driver support, blind
uploads, swap for any external program from
anywhere, multinode telegrams and chat at
any prompt, multiple chat action sets,
gurus, door sections, events, and much more.
🔎︎ | SUTL210A.ZIP | 1.1M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.10a Utilities disk - Companion for SBBS210A. Synchronet v2.10a Utilities disk - Companion
for SBBS210A.ZIP includes software
development kit, external programs, network
utilites and more.
🔎︎ | SUTL211A.ZIP | 1.1M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.11a Utilities disk - Companion for SBBS211A. Synchronet v2.11a Utilities disk - Companion
for SBBS211A.ZIP includes software
development kit, external programs, network
utilites and more.
🔎︎ | SUTL220A.ZIP | 1.2M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.20a Utilities disk - Companion for SBBS220A. Synchronet v2.20a Utilities disk - Companion
for SBBS220A.ZIP includes software
development kit, external programs, network
utilites and more.
🔎︎ | SUTL220B.ZIP | 1.3M | Oct 18, 2020 | Synchronet v2.20b Utilities disk - Companion for SBBS220B. Synchronet v2.20b Utilities disk - Companion
for SBBS220B.ZIP includes software
development kit, external programs, network
utilites and more.
| | 1.3K | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet VDM (Virtual DOS Machine) ANSI driver | |
🔎︎ | SVDMANSI.ZIP | 2.5K | Mar 08, 1995 | Synchronet ANSI TSR for OS/2 VDMs |
🔎︎ | SYNC.ZIP | 1.2M | Nov 11, 2000 | Animated .GIFS for Rob |
🔎︎ | SYNCLOGO.ZIP | 289.6K | May 17, 1996 | Miscellaneous Synchronet logos in various file formats |
TOTALS.COM | 8.7K | Feb 09, 1994 | Totals up credit gain or loss for Blackjack/Poker/Dice War | |
🔎︎ | USERCOM.ZIP | 9.3K | Jul 19, 1992 | Synchronet Log file scanning program This utility will produce the activity and statistics of a particular user from
the Synchronet detailed log files.
v3cfgfaq.txt | 20.2K | Jun 25, 2003 | Answers to Frequently Asked Questions re: Configuring v3 | |
🔎︎ | | 45.8K | Aug 27, 2015 | Synchronet External Progarm Software Development Kit (XSDK Synchronet External Progarm Software
Development Kit (XSDK) v3.00 for C/C++
programmers interested in writing
external progarms (doors) for Synchronet
BBS Software with the highest level of
user interaction with the least amount
of effort. Includes example source
code for Synchronet BBS List v3.0. Now
supports 32-bit Microsoft and Borland
compilers for writing 32-bit telnet doors
for Synchronet v3.0! 16-bit compilers
are still fully supported. "pkunzip -d"
into your XTRN directory. www.synchro.
🔎︎ | XSDK_301.ZIP | 47.9K | Jun 25, 2003 | Synchronet external program software developement kit 3.01 |
🔎︎ | XTRNMENU.ZIP | 1.9K | Sep 26, 1994 | Example External Program menus from Vertrauen |
77 files listed
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Mon Mar 10 2025 18:06:03 GMT-0700 (PDT)