Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | ALA430.ZIP | 139.5K | May 03, 2024 | AlacartE v4.30: DOS Menu System |
🔎︎ | AMM.ZIP | 58.3K | May 03, 2024 | Aquatic Moon Menu: DOS disk menu w/mouse supt. Aquatic Moon Menu is a dos level disk
menu supporting the mouse and keyboard
for input. The menu uses no memory
while a selection is running. It can
be used with write protected media,
since the menu does not write to the
disk, except while editing the menu
selections. Runs both over and under
Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
🔎︎ | BTNDOS61.ZIP | 754.9K | May 03, 2024 | Point & Click menu to launch any DOS software ┌───── BUTTONS FOR DOS: A Gamer's GUI ─────┐
│ POINT & CLICK to launch any DOS software. │
│ "GameScan" automatic menu setup. Instant │
│ alternate boot more │
│ Boot Disks! Works even from WINDOWS 95! │
│ FREE Accessories. Rated EASIEST DOS MENU │
│ to use. A Home PC Magazine "BESTBUY". * │
🔎︎ | CMCP10.ZIP | 250.5K | May 03, 2024 | CoPro v1.0: Program manager and a menu system |
🔎︎ | DMENU177.ZIP | 57.1K | May 03, 2024 | Free stand-alone or Netware based menu program |
🔎︎ | DOS222.ZIP | 150.3K | May 03, 2024 | PC Menu for all versions of DOS DOS Menu (Easy PC Menu) by MicroFox Company.
Very simple Menu and Security System for all
versions of DOS. DOSnnn.ZIP contains DOS
Menu, Help System, and User Guide. It has
Lotus 1-2-3 style menu system with password
protection, on-line help and mouse support.
DOS Menu is not a TSR and frees all memory.
Also has Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu entries,
macros and built-in menu action functions.
Author: Jim Hass, Member: [ASAD] |
🔎︎ | DOSMNU10.ZIP | 79.2K | May 03, 2024 | Freeware DOS-shell, source available |
🔎︎ | DRM301.ZIP | 244.4K | May 03, 2024 | DRMENU: Menu system uses ordinary batch files DRMENU, Menu system uses Batch files that
you have. Moving bars, 16 colors, password,
Screen Saver, Message Center. v3.01 adds
new Install pgm. Copyright 1995. Freeware
🔎︎ | DSMOUS10.ZIP | 30.6K | May 03, 2024 | Start programs with mouse from dir-listings |
🔎︎ | EM80.ZIP | 167.5K | May 03, 2024 | Easy Menu v8.0: Hard disk menu system EASY MENU 8.0 Hard Disk Menu. Simplest and
most flexible hard disk menu available. Up
to 200 items on any menu with alphabetic
search. Any number of sub-menus. Each item
can be annotated open access, password or
administrator only and the system can be
locked to the open access items. In the
locked state end users cannot exit to DOS.
New in V8 - Disk browser and Run command.
Keywords: MENU SHELL - Registration $25
🔎︎ | EZYWIN1.ZIP | 242.8K | May 03, 2024 | Allow the user to build his own menu |
🔎︎ | FMLITE10.ZIP | 594.7K | May 03, 2024 | Fastmenu LITE 1.0c Desktop/Menu (GUI) FASTMENU LITE v1.0c
Complete Graphics User Interface (GUI-MENU).
Includes Calendar/NotePad, PhoneBook/Dialer,
and a complete Directory/File utility with
a front end menu shell for PK-ZIP. Operates
in 640x480 VGA mode (stunning graphics) with
full point & click mouse support. Drops
totally out of memory during application
🔎︎ | GOLD70B.ZIP | 706.5K | May 03, 2024 | Fastmenu GOLD 7.0b: Desktop/Menu (GUI) FASTMENU GOLD v7.0b Desktop/Graphics Menu
A complete desktop application that includes
a full featured hard drive menuing system,
a complete Disk/File/Zip File Utility, a full
featured Address/Phonebook/Dialer, a Calendar
Notepad, 11 Digit Tape Calculater, and a full
featured Text File Editor. Full point and
click mouse support. Totally drops out of
memory during application execution.
🔎︎ | GRFMENU1.ZIP | 72.1K | May 03, 2024 | Chinese/English graph-menu, with BC++ 3.1 src |
🔎︎ | HDACC170.ZIP | 94.5K | May 03, 2024 | DOS menu w/mouse & cache ctrl; CRT saver +more ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║::::::::::: The HardDisk Accomplice V. 1.70 :::::::::::║
║ ■Disk Cache Support ║
║ ■43/50 line text modes for the EGA/VGA Video cards ║
║ ■Mouse Control ║
║ ■Added security of Password protection ║
║ ■An online Help facility ║
║ ■Features a configurable Screen Blanker ║
🔎︎ | HDM504.ZIP | 510.0K | May 03, 2024 | Hard Disk Menu & Security for DOS & LANs HDM (Hard Disk Menu) from MicroFox Company. A
Menu and Security System for DOS and LANs.
Has User Menu, Phone Dialer, Manual, User Log
On/Off, Passwords, Macros, Functions, Timed
Execution, Usage Logging and Reporting, Mouse
and Network Support, Multi-Level Security,
Screen Blanker, Pull-Down Menus, On-Line
Help, 260,000 Menu Entries, all Menu, Screen,
and Help text is customizable. Author is Jim
Hass, member of |
🔎︎ | JOCMNU12.ZIP | 124.5K | May 03, 2024 | JOC-MENU v1.2: Compact and fast Pull-down menu JOC-MENU 1.2 - Pulldown menu system quick and
powerful. Execute all your aplications with
menus. 10 levels of anidation. 16 options by
menu. All the menus visibles in the in the
screen. Quick and easy definition of menus.
Takes no memory when executes a program. Mouse
suport. Screensaver. Hypertext help system.
Calculator. Calendar. Ascii table, etc
Can also be used for launching applications
in win95/NT.
🔎︎ | LAN206.ZIP | 153.8K | May 03, 2024 | LAN Menu v2.06: Network Menu/Security system LAN Menu (Network Menu) by MicroFox Company.
Menu and Security System for DOS Networks.
LANnnn.ZIP contains the Network Menu, Help
System, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3
style menu system with password protection,
telephone dialer, on-line help, built-in
network support and mouse support. Screen
Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros and menu
action functions. (Author: Jim Hass) Member
of [ASAD] |
🔎︎ | LAUNCH47.ZIP | 237.2K | May 03, 2024 | Launch-menu,fast,help,win95 LFN,security,netwk Launch v4.70 Menu System Crystal Software
Smart, flexible and attractive windowed menu
system that caters for all levels of users.
Point-&-click mouse support, ~83K context-
sensitive system help with index, facilities
for user-defined help. For speedy selection,
menu items can have a short cut (global, eg
Alt+A) and multiple hot keys (local to each
menu eg 'A'). AutoBuild makes adding items
simple. Menus can hold up to 255 items, menu
depth is unlimited, menus can be linked.
Supports all DOS-based networks, with user-
specific presentation and settings. Uses NO
memory when running applications (can load/
unload TSRs). Auto-installation. Security-
encrypted passwords and/or authority levels.
DOS access and editing restrictions. Menu
conversion to/from ASCII. Flexible data
entry when running commands. Supports 43/50
line modes, EGA/VGA palette editing. Screen
saver. Usage tracking. DOS 3.0+, 160k memory,
500k disk.
🔎︎ | LMENU30.ZIP | 183.4K | May 03, 2024 | Launch-shortcuts/help/m-user/mouse/security Launch v3.01 Menu System Crystal Software
Smart, flexible and attractive windowed menu
system that caters for all levels of users.
It has full point-&-click mouse support,
context-sensitive system help with index
(~70K) and facilities for user-defined help.
For speedy selection, menu items can have a
short cut (global, eg Alt+A) and multiple
hot keys (local to each menu eg 'A'). Auto-
Build makes adding options and links simple.
Menus can hold up to 255 items, menu depth
is unlimited, menu files can be linked. Sup-
ports all DOS-based networks, with user-
specific presentation and settings. Uses
160 bytes when running applications. May be
used to load/unload TSRs. Menu structure
conversion to/and from report formats. Sec-
urity: encrypted passwords and/or authority
levels. DOS access and editing restrictions.
Auto-installation. Supports esoteric text
modes and EGA/VGA palette editing. Screen
saver with 3rd party support. Usage track-
ing. Australian. DOS 3.0+, 160k memory,
210k disk.
🔎︎ | MAGMNU10.ZIP | 424.0K | May 03, 2024 | Clipper-based DOS menu program. ShareWare |
🔎︎ | MENU200.ZIP | 67.9K | May 03, 2024 | Easy to use&customize menu, NO mem usage,mouse Menu for DOS, new version 2.00 by A.Spiegl and H.Kaufmann 3/6/95
MENU is an easily configurable menu for all DOS-applications, which
releases all memory when applications are running and therefore does
not influence the performance of any program. Even MS Windows can be
started from the MENU with no drawbacks.
MENU includes a screen saver, similar to the one from Norton Commander.
You can choose your menu items by using the keyboard or mouse, whatever
you prefer. All the features your mouse-driver and/or video card have,
will be supported: like a graphics mouse cursor in text(!) mode,
windowing etc.
MENU now includes an INSTALL utility!
🔎︎ | MENUMAS1.ZIP | 38.2K | May 03, 2024 | Menu Master: Menuing & directory control util. |
🔎︎ | MENUMST.ZIP | 368.1K | May 03, 2024 | Menu Master: Graphics menu program for MS-DOS The MENU MASTER 1.0 is a graphics menu used
to manage hard disk programs. The user may
select fonts, character sizes, and icons for
each selection. The program comes with a
complete DOS utility program and is very easy
to use. Both experienced and new computer
users will find this program most attractive.
Shareware ($25) from Kwabena Mireku.
🔎︎ | MENUS315.ZIP | 146.6K | May 03, 2024 | The menu to run your programs easy & free(VGA) ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Menus Version 3.15 - June 1996 │
│ Menus is an easy to use Menu with │
│ Vga graphics. │
│ You can use icons forevery program. │
│ It can handle up to 2610 programs!. │
│ │
│ You are still thinking it? │
│ Get it now!... │
🔎︎ | MENUV1_1.ZIP | 28.5K | May 03, 2024 | Menu v1.1: Select ten programs, configurable |
🔎︎ | MENZIP42.ZIP | 156.8K | May 03, 2024 | MENUZIP v4.2: Menu and DOS shell MENUZIP 4.2 is the ultimate menu and disk directory system. With this
program you can use it as a MENU for launching up to 672 DOS and Windows
applications. You can even execute ZIP or ARJ files in their archive format.
With the directory system you can navigate through all the directories on
your drives. It comes with dual directory panels for easier access to your
disk directories. You can view the contents of files, copy or move files or
directories and more. You can tag files and archive them into ZIP or ARJ
files. Or Extract ZIP or ARJ files. MENUZIP will Play MIDI and WAVE files.
It also comes with a screen saver, conversion system for Metrics/English,
Time of day or Date editor, calculator, calender, and more. This is a full
version program you should not do without.
<<<< MENUZIP 4.2 by J.A. Marrero >>>>
🔎︎ | MM-V040.ZIP | 27.1K | May 03, 2024 | Mini Menu v0.4: Configurable menu shell MINI MENU v0.4 Configurable menu shell allows
you to put your programs and projects into a
flexible menu interface. Easily add, change,
or delete menus and menu items. Assign custom
hotkeys. Supports batch files and command line
parameters. Mouse sensitive menus. Now with
custom color configuration. (shareware)
🔎︎ | MMENU100.ZIP | 102.1K | May 03, 2024 | 'The Main Menu': Creates boot-up main menu "THE MAIN MENU" - Boot-up program list.
A utility to create a main menu list of
specific programs that you run frequently.
"The Main Menu" is ideal as a boot-up
menu for computer novices who never will
master DOS commands. You can shield the
end-user from having to remember where
their programs are. Just create a menu
list with a text editor once, and let
"The Main Menu" take it from there. Once
the end-user has selected a program from
"The Main Menu" menu list, that program
will run. Once the program they selected
has completed running "The Main Menu" menu
list will appear again! This way the
end-user never has to see a DOS prompt.
🔎︎ | MPRO20.ZIP | 15.6K | May 03, 2024 | MPRO: Tiny and fast Freeware menu system My Program Executor v2.0 - Timor CompuWorks
Tiny and powerful menu shell for DOS (only 30KB).
Needs VGA monitor. No memory usage. FREEWARE!
🔎︎ | MRCOSH32.ZIP | 99.5K | May 03, 2024 | MarcoShell v3.2: Desktop Menu System |
🔎︎ | MRMENU2.ZIP | 28.4K | May 03, 2024 | MRMENU v2.0: Make menus quickly and easily MRMENU Version 2.0 - FREEWARE
Quick and easy to use menu program!
By Patrick Harvey (C)opyright 1995
This program allows you to quickly
and easily set up custom menus in
a snap! Make sure you read the
documentation README!.NOW before
you run the program.
🔎︎ | MSEL212A.ZIP | 46.9K | May 03, 2024 | Menu Selector with built-in reminder dates Menu Selector 2.12 - Menu Driven Program
This consists of Program Selector,
Launcher, Menu Editor, and Automatic
New feature: Calendar added on editing
System Requirement: DOS 5.0 or later.
Copyright (c) 1990-5 by Tom Beversdorf
This program is $5.00 shareware.
🔎︎ | OLIOMENU.ZIP | 124.1K | May 03, 2024 | Olio 1.0: Easy-to-use menu program Olio: The Menu Program 1.0 (Kruton
Programming; $6.50) is a very useful
menu program that aids in getting
around with all of your DOS
applications. Many features available
and a WHOLE lot more in the registered
🔎︎ | PACCS28.ZIP | 657.3K | May 03, 2024 | DOS Front-End PC Access Control Menuing Shell PUBLIC ACCESS v2.8 |
🔎︎ | PCNAV11.ZIP | 164.5K | May 03, 2024 | PC-Navigator: Menuing, tools, noRAM, Sun&Moon PC-Navigator is a full-featured professional
DOS menuing system and toolset that pops up
as a window on top of DOS. It consumes no
RAM, is fast on any PC, and is inherently
compatible. Tools include calculator with
tape, editor, calendar, filer with tree, and
more. It even tracks the sun and moon. Great
above and below Windows too! First version
in 1991 then released as shareware in 1995.
🔎︎ | POWER-10.ZIP | 5.9K | May 03, 2024 | Powerful small menu, uses 1.4kb BATs =- Power Menu v1.0 -- Simple menu system -=
This menu system presents a colorful text
mode program list which the user can scroll
through with a lightbar. Leaves a 1 KB stub
in RAM. Easy to set up and very small.
🔎︎ | QM31B.ZIP | 510.2K | May 03, 2024 | QuickMenu III: Graphical menu/desktop for DOS QuikMenu III is an icon-based graphical menu
and desktop for DOS. Included are powerful
utility & file management features. Launches
all DOS-based software. Modem dial, Password
protect, screen saver, phone database, use
tracking, background wallpaper, freeform
layout & more. Not a TSR. Needs: 512K RAM;
hard disk; Herc. mono, CGA (2 color), EGA,
or VGA graphics; DOS 3.1+; MS/Logitech comp.
mouse (optional); Hayes comp. modem (option).
🔎︎ | QMENU3.ZIP | 75.1K | May 03, 2024 | QuickMenu v3.0: Menu development program |
🔎︎ | QMIII31C.ZIP | 533.5K | May 03, 2024 | Icon-based graphical menu and desktop for DOS QuikMenu III is an icon-based graphical menu
and desktop for DOS. Included are powerful
utility & file management features. Launches
all DOS-based software. Modem dial, Password
protect, screen saver, phone database, use
tracking, background wallpaper, freeform
layout & more. Not a TSR. Needs: 512K RAM;
hard disk; Herc. mono, CGA (2 color), EGA,
or VGA graphics; DOS 3.1+; MS/Logitech comp.
mouse (optional); Hayes comp. modem (option).
🔎︎ | TXTMENU1.ZIP | 49.6K | May 03, 2024 | Text menu for DOS, with source code |
🔎︎ | WSM11.ZIP | 38.9K | May 03, 2024 | WSmenu v1.1: Simple DOS program launcher WSmenu - a DOS program
launching application.
(C) 1997 WaverlyStreet.
42 files listed
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