Synchronet BBS - Multinode Bulletin Board Software

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[9.0] - Networking

Selecting the Networks option from the SCFG will produce a list of available
network technologies.

Select the network technology of your interest and refer to the following
section that pertains to your selected network technology.

[9.1] - QWK Packet Networking

Let's start with some basic definitions. A QWK netted BBS is either a node,
a hub, or both. A node is a BBS that calls another QWK net hub to transfer
packets (receiving QWK and sending REP). A hub is a system that receives calls
from other nodes and transfers packets (sending QWK and receiving REP).

There are two options from the QWK Packet Networks menu, Network Hubs and
Default Tagline. Selecting the Default Tagline will allow you to create or
edit the tagline that will be used for messages that are sent out on the
network from your QWK netted sub-boards. Individual sub-boards can have a
different tagline to override this one, or use no tagline at all. Ctrl-A codes
can be used in taglines so that other Synchronet systems will see the tagline
in your preferred color scheme. The beginning of the tagline is not
configurable. It consists of a tear line and the Synchronet product name:
 ώ Synchronet ώ

The configured tagline text will be attached to the end of the above tagline.

[9.1.1] - Network Hubs

Selecting this option produces a list of configured hubs that your system
calls to upload REP packets to and download QWK packets from. If a system
calls your system for messages, it is a node and your system is the hub and you
should not have that system listed as a hub. If you do not call any systems
for networked messages, then your system is a hub and the only configuration
you need to do is set your taglines and the network options for each of your
netted sub-boards. Use INS to add hubs and DEL to delete hubs from this hub

Selecting a hub from the list of available hubs will produce a sub-menu:

Hub System ID:
	This is the QWK system ID of the hub BBS.

Pack Command Line:
        This is the command line to execute to pack messages.

Unpack Command Line:
        This is the command line to execute to unpack messages.

Call-out Command Line:
	This is the command line to execute to perform the call-out.

Call-out Node:
        This is the number of the node which should perform the call-out.

Call-out Days:
        These are the days to perform the call-out.

Call-out Time/Frequency:
        This is either the specific time to call-out, or the number of times
        per day to call-out.

[9.1.2] - Networked Sub-boards

Selecting this option will give a sub-menu containing a list of networked
sub-boards that will look something like this:

For each sub-board the following options are available:

        Which sub-board is to be networked (Group and Sub-board name).

Conference Number:
        This is the conference number of the sub-board on the HUB system.
	If the hub is a Synchronet version 2 BBS and the sub-board is the
	second sub-board in the first group, the conference number is 1002; if
	the sub-board is the first sub-board in the third group, the conference
	number is 3001, etc. The conference numbering scheme for BBS programs
	other than Synchronet is usually just 1, 2, 3, etc.

Ctrl-A Codes:
        This option allows you to determine how to handle Ctrl-A codes in
        messages. If the hub is a Synchronet BBS, you will want to set this
        to "Leave in". If the hub is not a Synchronet BBS, you will almost
        always want to set this to "Strip out". If the hub is not a Synchronet
        BBS, but allows ANSI escape sequences in messages, set this option
        to "Expand to ANSI".

[9.1.3] - Configuring Your BBS as a QWK Node

In the SCFG program, you'll need to specify your system's tagline (usually
the system name and phone number), the hubs to call, when to call, what node
will do the calling, and which sub-boards to carry for each hub (a sub-board
can send and receive messages from more than one hub!).

The hub's System ID is important and must match the System ID of the hub BBS.
For each hub, you can specify a list of sub-boards to network. For each
sub-board, you must also set the conference number for the sub-board on the
hub BBS. In Synchronet, conference numbers are based on the Group/Sub-board
relationship. Group 1 / Sub 1 is conference number 1001, Group 2 / Sub 3 is
conference 2003, etc. (Note: this is NOT the conference number for the sub-board
on your BBS. It is the conference number on the hub BBS.) Also, for each
sub-board you must set the method of Ctrl-A code handling. If the hub system is
a Synchronet BBS, you'll want to leave Ctrl-A codes in. If it is not, you'll
probably want to strip them.

You'll need to decide which node will do the calling-out and configure it so.
You'll also need to decide if you want your BBS to call-out multiple times
per day at any given time based on a total number of calls per day (usually,
if all your hubs are local) or if you wish the BBS to call-out at a specific
time every day (usually if one or more hubs are long distance).

You also need to set the command line to execute to perform the call-out.
If your hub is a Synchronet BBS, use the included QNET module (*QNET),
otherwise you probably use a batch file to execute a scripted terminal program.
Example scripts for Telix, Robocomm, and Qmodem are included in the EXEC
directory (SBBSQNET.*).

[9.1.4] - Configuring Your BBS as a QWK Network Hub

Being a QWK network hub, just means that other QWK network compatible systems
are going to logon to your system and upload and download messages. All you
have to do is create a user account for each QWK network node that is going
to call your system. The user name/alias should be the QWK system ID of the
node BBS. The account needs to have the 'Q' restriction.

The 'Q' restriction is used only for QWK network node accounts. An account
with this restriction will receive the QWK: prompt immediately upon logon
and can't access any other facility of the BBS. This restriction also allows
that account to send messages that are from other users as well as receive
private posts that are to other users.

In addition to the 'Q' restriction, the 'L' (logons per day) and 'T' (time
per day) exemptions may be helpful, depending on how many times the node will
call your system a day and the time per call/day and logons per day allowed by
the level you've given the account.

Be sure to give all node accounts sufficient access to read and write messages
on the sub-boards networked between the node and your BBS.

[9.2] - Transferring Files Through QWK Network

Synchronet allows the transferring of files between a QWK network node and hub
with great simplicity. If you wish to send a file to a QWK network hub (your
system calls directly) or QWK network node (their system calls yours directly),
create a DOS subdirectory of DATA\QNET\QWKID.OUT, where QWKID is the QWK ID of
the system to which you are sending the file. Copy any files you wish to send
to this system into this directory. The next time the systems network with
each other, the files will be sent.

If your system is a QWK network node, you may request a file from your hub
by posting a private message to SBBS on any of the networked sub-boards you
get from your hub. The title of the message must contain "FREQ FILENAME.EXT"
where FILENAME.EXT is the filename and extension of the file to download.

When files are received through a QWK network, the sysop is notified of the
received file upon next logon. The file will be automatically placed in the
subdirectory DATA\QNET\QWKID.IN, where QWKID is the QWK ID of the system
that sent the file.

The transferring of files can be made automated for other programs to share
data over the network. One popular use for this is Online Games that support
inter-BBS play. One such game is Barren Realms Elite (BRE), see the external
programs section for more information on this.

[9.3] - PostLink Networking

PostLink is a message networking program written by Kip Compton and available
for purchase from Bonnie Anthony (see Contacts Appendix). It is a derivation
from PCRelay software. RelayNet (AKA RIME), headed by Bonnie Anthony, ILink
and a few other networks use this technology. Selecting this option from the
networks menu will bring up the following sub-menu:

Site Name:
	This is the site name to be used for your BBS.

Site Number:
	This is the site number which is assigned to you by the network

Selecting Network Hubs from this menu will display a list of available hubs.
Hubs can be added and/or removed from this menu.

Selecting one of the available network hubs from this list will allow you to
configure the call-out information for that hub.

Hub Site Name:
	This is the name of your network hub.

Call-out Command Line:
	This is the command line which will be executed to perform the call-out
	for this hub.

Call-out Node:
	This is the number of the node which will perform the call-out for this

Call-out Days:
	This allows you to select the days on which call-outs to this hub will

Call-out Time:
	This allows you to select the time when call-outs to this hub will

Synchronet supports PostLink by letting the sysop configure the call-out
schedule and which node will perform the call-out. Multiple PostLink networks
are supported simultaneously by specifying multiple hubs. The Site ID entered
in SCFG is only used for documentary purposes. Synchronet includes a UTI
(Universal Text Interface) driver for PostLink. It is a set of 6 programs
(UTI*.EXE) included in your EXEC directory. See the Utility Reference for
more information on the Synchronet UTI Driver.

Be sure to set the "PostLink Networked" Network Option to 'Yes' for each of
your PostLink networked sub-boards.

[9.4] - FidoNet Networking

FidoNet is both a network technology (referred to as FTN) and an actual message
network. The technology was developed specifically for FidoNet, but is used
by many other networks today as well. These non-FidoNet networks are referred
to as FTNs (FidoNet Technology Networks) because they share the same
technology, but don't necessarily have anything more in common with FidoNet.

Setting up a FidoNet is likely the most complex task a sysop could attempt.
There are many steps associated with joining a FidoNet and most of the steps
involve new terminology to even the most experienced sysop.

The first step is to find a FidoNet Front-end mailer program. This program
will need to be run to make and accept FidoNet mail calls. It is usually run
24 hours a day, but is usually only required during a certain period (called
Mail Hour and defined by the individual networks). The most popular of these
programs are FrontDoor, D'bridge, InterMail, and Binkley. Both FrontDoor and
Binkley will require the use of a FOSSIL (serial communications) driver as
well. The most popular FOSSIL drivers are BNU and X00 (many DOORs require
FOSSIL drivers as well).

When running Synchronet from the Front-end, you will need to pass the current
connect rate, tell Synchronet to quit after the call, and possibly pass the
minutes till the next event.

Example: SBBS Q C14400 E60

The above command line tells Synchronet that someone is currently connected
(at 14400bps), to quit back to DOS after the caller logs off, and that the
next scheduled event is in 60 minutes. See Appendix B for all the available
switches for running Synchronet.

SBBSecho is an included Synchronet utility (registered separately) to
import/export NetMail and EchoMail bundles/packets.

NetMail will be exported to and imported from the directory specified in the
Networks configuration in SCFG. EchoMail will be imported to and exported from
the EchoMail path specified for that sub-board, or off the base EchoMail
directory specified in SCFG Network options in a subdirectory named after the
internal code of the sub-board.

[9.4.1] - Step-by-Step instructions for setting up FidoNet using SBBSecho and InterMail  (v2 Only)

One of the most difficult tasks that the novice sysop will encounter is the
setting up of FidoNet.	These instructions will take you step by step through
the process of setting up FidoNet on your BBS.	Be warned that these steps are
very basic, just enough to get FidoNet up and running on your system, but it
may still be necessary for you to refer to the documentation which accompanies
the programs referred to in these steps.  For any advanced operations you will
definitely need to refer to the documentation of programs referred to in these
steps.	If you know of anyone who is already on FidoNet that is willing to help
you out, by all means ask them for their help!

NOTE that while it doesn't cost anything to have a node number (for sending
and receiving netmail) or to receive local conferences, there is usually a
nominal fee (called "cost recovery") to receive conferences from the FidoNet
backbone or files from the FidoNet filebone.

 1) First of all you will need to obtain a copy of FidoNet's Policy 4 document
    (the filename is usually POLICY4.ZIP or POLICY4.TXT), a recent nodelist
    (usually named NODELIST.???), AND a front-end mailer program.  All three of
    these can normally be downloaded from any local BBS which carries FidoNet
    (if not, an e-mail to the sysop of a FidoNet BBS can usually point you in
    the right direction).  There are several front-end mailers available such
    as FrontDoor, InterMail, D'Bridge, SEAdog, Dutchie, BinkleyTerm, and Portal
    of Power to name a few (the latter two are referred to as "FLO-Style"
    mailers and the others are referred to as "Attach-Style" mailers).  Most
    front-end mailers offer a limited evaluation version which you can try out
    before you decide to purchase the program.

 2) Read the Policy 4 document, it will give you information about FidoNet as
    well as some specifics on how to obtain a node number for your system.

 3) If you do not plan to run InterMail (or FrontDoor which is very similar)
    you must set up the front-end mailer you plan to use by following the
    directions which accompany the program and then skip to step number 9.
    The documentation will also tell you how to "compile" the nodelist file
    you've downloaded so that your front-end mailer can use it.  Use the
    temporary address specified in Policy 4 when specifying your node address
    in the front-end mailer.
Setting up InterMail v2.xx or FrontDoor v2.xx

 4) Install InterMail per IM.DOC (included with InterMail).

    a) If using FrontDoor, follow the FD.DOC file and substitute the letters FD
       where ever you see an IM in this section.

 5) Copy the MAILER.BAT included with SBBSecho and the EXEBBS.BAT from the
    Synchronet DOCS directory into the InterMail directory (C:\IM).

 6) Change into the InterMail directory, run IMSETUP, and perform the

    a) Under Global->Address->Main, enter your FidoNet address (or the
       temporary address specified in Policy 4 until such time as you have
       received your own address).

    b) Under Global->Filenames, verify that the paths are set similar to the

  Ί									      Ί
  Ί System    C:\IM\SYSTEM\	  (or C:\FD\ for FrontDoor)		      Ί
  Ί Netmail   C:\IM\MAIL\						      Ί
  Ί Files     C:\IM\INBOUND\						      Ί
  Ί Sec Files C:\IM\INBOUND\						      Ί
  Ί*Packets   C:\IM\PACKETS\						      Ί
  Ί*Log file  C:\IM\IM.LOG						      Ί
  Ί Banner								      Ί
  Ί Nodelist  C:\IM\NODELIST\						      Ί
  Ί In-event								      Ί
  Ί Hudsonfmt								      Ί
  Ί Wildcat!								      Ί
  Ί Swapping  C:\IM\							      Ί
  Ί Semaphore C:\IM\							      Ί
  Ί									      Ί
  Ί * = Must be unique for each Mail Server				      Ί

    c) Under Modem->Advanced Setup->Connect Strings set ALL "BBSexit" levels
       to 100.	(For FrontDoor under Mailer->Errorlevels set all baud rates to
       100, Received Mail to 50, and Create .BAT file to Yes).

    d) Under Manager->Events, make sure all your events are set to exit when
       mail is received (under Event Behavior). This allows for the immediate
       importation of new messages into the BBS.

    e) Under Manager->Events, add the following event:

  Ί Tag 	X							      Ί
  Ί Days	-------A						      Ί
  Ί Modifier	Ignore eventbase (*)					      Ί
  Ί Start time	04:30							      Ί
  Ί Length	00:01							      Ί
  Ί Errorlevel	75							      Ί
  Ί Not used								      Ί
  Ί Behavior								      Ί
  Ί Use alias	1:103/705						      Ί
  Ί Retry delay 0							      Ί
  Ί Comment	Synchronet exclusive event				      Ί
  Ί Event tag A..YZ - eXternal event, errorlevel is required		      Ί

    f) Under Mailer->Misc, set "Trigger exit upon receipt of netmail" and
       "Upon receipt of ANY file" to Yes. This will allow for the immediate
       importation of NetMail and any File Distribution Echoes you may carry.

    g) Under Modem->Hardware, set "Lower DTR when busy" to "No".

    h) Under Modem->Command strings, set the "Down" string to "ATM0H1|".

    i) Exit IMSETUP.

 7) Unarc the nodelist file (NODELIST.???) that you downloaded previously
    into your nodelist directory.

 8) Now run IMNC to compile the nodelist.

Setting up FidoNet in SCFG

 9) Run SCFG from one of your node directories, or hit 'C' from the waiting for
    caller screen.  Then select Networks->FidoNet EchoMail and NetMail.
    You'll then be brought to a menu that should be set up similar to this:

    a) For FrontDoor the NetMail Semaphore file should be set to
       C:\FD\FDRESCAN.NOW and the EchoMail Semaphore file should be set
       to C:\FD\FDEXIT.025.

    b) For FrontDoor version 2.11, the EchoMail Semaphore file should be
       set to C:\FD\FDXIT.025.

    c) For FrontDoor version 2.20 (commercial, multinode), the EchoMail
       Semaphore file should be set to C:\FD\FDXIT#.025, where # is the
       node number (0 based).

10) Set your address to your system's FidoNet address (or the temporary address
    specified in Policy 4 until such time as you have received your own
    address).  This is the address used for sending and receiving NetMail. It
    will also be used as the default address for message sub-boards.

11) Create an origin line for your system that most likely contains your BBS
    name and phone number.

12) Following is an overview of the remaining options available on this menu:

    a) System Addresses:
       This option will bring you to a sub-menu to allow you to configure
       different addresses (AKAs) for your system. Following is an example
       for a BBS configured for two fido type networks.
    b) Default Outbound Address:
       When a user sends netmail, this is the 'send to' address that is used
       as a default (useful for FidoNet<->Internet gateways).

    c) NetMail Semaphore:
       This is the name of the trigger file which will cause your front-end
       mailer to exit and scan for outgoing netmail.

    d) EchoMail Semaphore:
       This is the name of the trigger file which will cause your front-end
       mailer to exit and scan for outgoing echomail.

    e) Inbound File Directory:
       This is the name of the directory where your front-end mailer stores
       incoming files.

    f) EchoMail Base Directory:
       This is the base directory for your echomail subdirectories

    g) NetMail Directory:
       This is the name of the directory where your front-end mailer looks for
       and places netmail.

    h) Allow Sending of NetMail:
       When set to 'Yes' users can send netmail from your system.

    i) Allow File Attachments:
       When set to 'Yes' users can send netmail file attachments from your

    j) Send NetMail Using Alias:
       When set to 'Yes' the user alias will be used (rather than their
       real name) on outgoing netmail.

    k) NetMail Defaults to Crash:
       If set to 'Yes' netmail sent from your system will default to crash
       status (send immediately and directly).

    l) NetMail Defaults to Direct:
       If set to 'Yes' netmail sent from your system will default to direct
       status (send directly).

    m) NetMail Defaults to Hold:
       If set to 'Yes', netmail sent from your system will default to hold

    n) Kill NetMail After Sent:
       Setting this to 'Yes' will delete outgoing netmail after it has been

    o) Cost to Send NetMail:
       This is the cost (in credits) that a user will be charged when sending

13) Setup SBBSecho by running the ECHOCFG program and reading the documentation
    for information on the available options.

    a) Under Paths...->Outbound Directory be sure to enter the path where
       outgoing mail packets and bundles should be placed (i.e.: C:\IM\OUTBOUND).

    b) Select the appropriate Mailer Type.

    c) Enter your registration number (if you are a registered owner of the
       SBBSecho program).

14) Once you have done this you must now run the file MAILER.BAT (if using an
    Attach-Style mailer) to use Synchronet with your front-end mailer.
    MAILER.BAT must be run from your front-end mailer's directory (e.g. C:\IM).
    You will no longer run the file SBBS.BAT to start this node (if you run a
    multi-node system, you will still use SBBS.BAT to start those nodes which
    are not using a front-end mailer).

    a) If you are NOT using InterMail as your front-end mailer, be sure to
       modify your MAILER.BAT file to reflect the front-end mailer that you
       are using.

15) Follow the instructions given in the Policy 4 document to determine who
    you should send netmail to in order to obtain your own node number.

16) Now, from your front end mailer, send a netmail to this person following
    the instructions contained in the Policy 4 document.  Once you have done
    this and the netmail has been sent, you should patiently await a netmail
    reply containing your node number and the node number of your hub (where
    you will send/receive your echomail and netmail to/from).

17) Once you have received your node number, you'll want to replace the
    temporary node number you used in your front-end mailer as well as in
    SCFG->Networks->FidoNet Echomail and Netmail->System Addresses to it.

18) Send your hub a message with the Area Manager (for the backbone <echomail>)
    and Areafix (for the filebone <files>) passwords you wish to use on their
    systems.  You will need to remember these passwords as you will be using
    them to do remote maintenance (such as adding and removing conferences and
    file areas that you wish to receive).

19) Your hub should respond with Area Manager instructions and a list of areas
    available for you to connect to.  If not, contact your hub for more

20) Look through the list of areas available to you and determine which
    conferences you'd like to carry.  In SCFG->Message Areas create a
    message group(s) for the conferences you'd like to carry.  When setting
    up a sub-board for a conference, be sure to use the "Area Tag" name
    given in the area list as the sub-board Short Name.

    a) Under Network Options... for each sub-board toggle the FidoNet
       Echomail option toggled to YES.

    b) If the conference requires a different address, configure the address
       under Network Options...

    c) If you allow aliases on your system, under Toggle Options... set Use
       Real Names to YES.

    d) If you are unfamiliar with adding message groups and/or sub-boards,
       consult that section of the Synchronet System Operator's Manual.

    e) For a more complete list of conferences available on the FidoNet
       backbone you may wish to download the file FIDONET.NA from either your
       hub or a local FidoNet BBS.  This file contains a list of ALL
       conferences carried on the backbone.

21) Once you have set up all of the conferences you'd like to carry, you'll
    need to go to SCFG->Message Areas-><group>->Export Areas...->AREAS.BBS
    (SBBSecho) to create an AREAS.BBS file for SBBSecho to use.

22) Now following the Area Manager instructions, send a message to your hub's
    Area Manager and turn on all of the conferences you wish to carry.	Note
    that there are some administrative conferences for FidoNet that your
    users shouldn't be able to read or post on, and some that even you
    shouldn't post on, there is also usually a "test" conference which you may
    want to set up to post messages on and insure that echomail is being sent
    and received properly.

23) That's about all there is to it.  You are now set up on FidoNet and should
    be able to send and receive FidoNet echomail and netmail.

Examples for Receiving File Echoes via TICK (third party file echo program)

Example TIC.CFG:

---------------------------------[ Begin ]-------------------------------------
IN c:\fd\file
ZONE 1 c:\fd\-mailout
HOLD c:\fd\tickhold
QDIR c:\fd\tickqdir

AREA j:\fido\backbone BACKBONE
1:2/1 xxxxx *

1:2/1 xxxxx *
---------------------------------[  End  ]-------------------------------------

In MAILER.BAT, at the end of the ":inmail" block, before "goto top":

---------------------------------[ Begin ]-------------------------------------
set tz=PST8EDT
tick >> fd.log
set tz= 
%sbbs%\exec\addfiles * /diz
---------------------------------[  End  ]-------------------------------------

Setting up ALLFIX (third party file echo program) with Synchronet BBS Software

In ASETUP->System data->Global Options:

³									     ³
³ Keep original file date Yes		  Replace extension	  No	     ³
³ Mailer rescan 	  FrontDoor	  Max age of requests	  0	     ³
³ Log style		  FrontDoor	  Keep exported messages  No	     ³
³ Mailer mode		  FrontDoor	  Days to keep on hold	  30	     ³
³ Download counters			  Size of stat file	  0	     ³
³ Update DESCRIPT.ION	  No		  Max TIC archive size	  0	     ³
³ Date format		  mm-dd-yy	  Max size to pack	  0	     ³
³ Min HD space to import  1024		  UTC offset		  -8	     ³
³ Process local requests  No		  Max Msg size		  0	     ³
³ MSG compatibility	  Fido						     ³
³ Dupe checking 	  Filename					     ³
³									     ³
³									     ³
³ LongDesc character			  One line LongDesc	  No	     ³
³ Filter LongDesc	  No		  Max len of LongDesc	  0	     ³
³ Spaces to indent	  1		  Add tag to desc	  No	     ³
³									     ³

Edit your MAILER.BAT:

Search for "set sbbs="
Add "set allfix=c:\allfix"

Search for ":inmail"
Add "%allfix%\allfix file mgr"
Add "%sbbs%\exec\addfiles * /diz"

Search for ":outmail"
Add "%allfix%\allfix file"

[9.5.2] - Sending FidoNet NetMail

Once you have a FidoNet address and have your Front-end mailer functioning
properly, you may send NetMail messages and allow, if you wish, your users
to send NetMail. You can set a NetMail cost in credits for users in SCFG->
Networks->FidoNet EchoMail and NetMail->NetMail Cost. Sysops and users with
the 'S' exemption will not be charged credits when sending NetMail. Users
with the 'M' restriction are not allowed to send NetMail. Users will not
be allowed to send NetMail at all, if the sysop has set SCFG->Networks->FidoNet
EchoMail and NetMail->Allow Sending of NetMail to No.

Users can optionally set a NetMail forwarding address for their account using
the "Account Defaults" menu. If the user has a NetMail address specified,
any E-mail set to that account will be automatically forwarded to the NetMail
address if the sending user wishes. This is useful for users who can receive
FidoNet NetMail on a "home" BBS system and prefer to receive their E-mail there
instead of on this particular system.

Sysops and users with the 'F' exemption can also perform other special
functions with NetMail. If NetMail Defaults to Crash status is OFF, sysops
and 'F' exempted users can override this by starting their NetMail title
with "CR:" setting the Crash status ON for that NetMail message.

Sysops and 'F' exempted users may also send File Requests by starting the title
with "FR:" and then the filename(s) being requested follow on the title. If
multiple filenames are requested, they must be separated by a space.
Example: "FR: FILE1.EXT FILE2.EXT".

Sysops and 'F' exempted users may also send File Attachments from anywhere
on the system (potentially dangerous) by starting the title with "FA:" and then
the filename(s) to attach to the netmail message. This allows the sysop to
send a file attachment to multiple users without creating multiple copies of
the attachment or requiring the attachment to be copied into the Synchronet
DATA\FILE\xxxx.OUT directory of the sending user. Since the sending user
(sysop or 'F' exempt) can attach ANY file on the system, the 'F' exemption
and sysop security level (90+) should given out with extreme caution.

Sysops and 'F' exempted users can also request a return receipt by starting
the title with "RR:". "CR:", "FR:", "RR:", and "FA:" may be used in combination
with one another, but must be specified in that order.
Example: "CR: RR: This is my title".

The "xx:" specifiers and an optional trailing space are eliminated from
the final title for the NetMail message.
Example: "CR:Hello" or "CR: Hello"
Becomes: "Hello" before it is sent out by Synchronet.

[9.5] - Internet Networking

System Address:
	This is the Internet address for your BBS.

NetMail Semaphore:
	This is the name of the trigger file which will cause your Internet
	mail program to exit and scan for outgoing netmail.

Allow Sending of NetMail:
	When set to 'Yes' users can send Internet netmail from your system.

Allow File Attachments:
	When set to 'Yes' users can attach files to the Internet netmail that
	they are sending.

Send NetMail Using Alias:
	When set to 'Yes' the user alias will be used (rather than their
	real name) on outgoing Internet netmail.

Cost to Send NetMail:
	This is the cost (in credits) that a user will be charged when sending
	Internet netmail.
(v2 Only)
In order for your BBS to support Internet networking (including such things as
sending/receiving Internet netmail and newsgroups, FTP, Telnet, etc.) it is
required that you obtain a third party program such as NetXpress or BBSNet.  It
is also possible (but not recommended) to use a Fido->Internet or a
QWK->Internet gateway (usually available as shareware software).

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Copyright © 2000 by Rob Swindell

Synchronet BBS Software
(Synchronet) Version 3 is comprised of several documentation,
library, executable, and source code files, all of which are covered by the
GNU General Public License
with the exception of the following portions covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License: SMBLIB and XSDK.

Synchronet Version 2 (for DOS and OS/2) and its source code was released to the
Public Domain
by Digital Dynamics in 1997 and remains Public Domain software today.
Synchronet Version 3 is not Public Domain software.

Rob Swindell
PO Box 501
Yorba Linda, CA 92885

For the complete Copyright Information please read the Copyright Documentation .