usage: chksmb [/opts] <filespec.SHD> opts: s - stop after errored message base p - pause after errored message base q - quiet mode (no beeps while checking) WARNING: All BBS nodes should be DOWNed (offline) or inactive when utilizing the CHKSMB utility. The purpose of the CHKSMB utility is to insure that mail and/or message bases are valid. If you suspect that your mail, or one of your message bases has become corrupted, you can run CHKSMB. This will inform you of any possible corruption, and display information which may be useful in determining the cause of the corruption. Example command line: CHKSMB \SBBS\DATA\MAIL \SBBS\DATA\SUBS\*.SHD to check your e-mail and sub-board data files for possible corruption. Most mail and/or message bases which are corrupted can be reconstructed (fixed) using the SMBUTIL program with the pack option. Message bases with corrupted index files must be fixed with the FIXSMB program.
usage: fixsmb [/opts] <smb_file> opts: m - mail format instead of sub-board format ex: FIXSMB /M C:\SBBS\DATA\MAIL or: FIXSMB C:\SBBS\DATA\SUBS\DEBATE Use the FIXSMB utility whenever CHKSMB shows that a message base has become corrupted due to problems with the index.
usage: smbutil [/opts] cmd <filespec.SHD> cmd: l[n] = list msgs starting at number n r[n] = read msgs starting at number n v[n] = view msg headers starting at number n k[n] = kill (delete) n msgs i<f> = import from text file f s = display msg base status c = change msg base status m = maintain msg base - delete old msgs and msgs over max p[k] = pack msg base (k specifies minimum packable Kbytes) opts: a = always pack msg base (disable compression analysis) f = fast msg creation mode d = disable duplicate message checking z[n] = set time zone (n=min +/- from UT or 'EST','EDT','CST',etc) The SMBUTIL can be used for several things, but most importantly, it must be used for maintaining your Synchronet message base (using the 'm' command). This command causes SMBUTIL to mark old messages, and messages over the maximum sub- board limit, as deleted so that their spaces can be used by new messages. If you are using the 'Hyper Allocation' or 'Fast Allocation' method for your message bases, you must also use this utility to pack your message bases (using the 'p' command) periodically. The pack command causes SMBUTIL to compress the message bases removing any unused spaces (messages marked as deleted). SMBUTIL maintenance and/or packing should be done using your daily event (or after importing from a network such as FidoNet). If your message base is using the 'Fast Allocation' or 'Hyper Allocation' storage methods, you should run maintenance before packing (there is no reason to pack if you do not run maintenance!). If your message base is set up for the 'Self Packing' method, you do NOT need to use SMBUTIL to pack, only to perform maintenance. Example batch file lines for SMBUTIL would read: for maintenance and packing (100k or more per sub): SMBUTIL mp100 \sbbs\data\subs\*.shd for maintenance only (self-packing sub-boards): SMBUTIL m \sbbs\data\subs\*.shd WARNING: All BBS nodes should be DOWNed (offline) when using SMBUTIL with the pack option! To do this, set the SMBUTIL event to be 'Exclusive' in the SCFG program. When using the pack command, SMBUTIL will check to see if it is necessary for you to pack your message base, if you want to skip this checking and have it unconditionally pack the message base (useful when attempting to repair a corrupted message base), you should add the '/a' switch to the command line: SMBUTIL /a p \sbbs\data\subs\*.shd The maintenance and pack commands are likely all that you will ever need to SMBUTIL for.
SMBACTIV.EXE is used to create a list of the number of users that are currently reading each message area (sub-board) on your BBS. If a message area has a very low number of active users, then it may be a waste of disk space and memory on your BBS. Before SMBACTIV is run, you must have your SBBSNODE environment variable set to point to a valid node directory. Example: SET SBBSNODE=C:\SBBS\NODE1 SMBACTIV can be run with no parameters to display a list of all your sub-boards and the number of active users. If you wish to keep this list for reference, it is a good idea to redirect the output to a file or printer. Example: SMBACTIV > PRN You can also specify a maximum number of active users to include in the list of sub-boards as a paramter. Example: SMBACTIV 50 would create a list of all sub-boards that have 50 or less active users. To create a list of sub-boards that have no active users, you would use: SMBACTIV 0
usage: addfiles code [.alt_path] [/opts] ["*user"] +list [desc_off] [size_off] or: addfiles code [.alt_path] [/opts] ["*user"] file "description" available opts: a import ASCII only (no extended ASCII) d delete list after import e do not import extended descriptions f include file date in descriptions t include today's date in descriptions i include added files in upload statistics n do not update information for existing files o update upload date only for existing files u do not update upload date for existing files z check for and import FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI k keep original short description (not DIZ) s search for files in directory (no file list) * use * in place of code for Auto-ADD of FILES.BBS use *filename to Auto-ADD a different filename example for importing FILES.BBS format: addfiles games +c:\lists\files.bbs example for importing DIRxx format: addfiles games +c:\lists\dir01 33 SBBSNODE DOS Environment variable: The environment variable SBBSNODE must be set prior to running ADDFILES. Add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT: SET SBBSNODE=C:\SBBS\NODE1 Where, the path to NODE1 reflects the complete path of your NODE1 directory.
The dir_code parameter is the first argument and is the internal code of the Synchronet file directory you are adding the files to. This parameter is not case sensitive. The dir_code parameter is required. Use * for Auto-ADD. .alt_path: If the files are located on an alternate file path, you can specify the alternate file path number by using the ".x" paramter, where 'x' is the number of the alternate path. /opts: If desired, you may specify a list of options. The available options are: A - Import ASCII character only (ignore any extended ASCII or control chars) D - If you want ADDFILES to delete the file list after importing it E - If you want ADDFILES to NOT import extended descriptions F - Automatically include the file date in the beginning of the description T - Automatically include the today's date in the beginning of the description I - Include files that are added in the system's upload statistics N - Do not update any information for files already in the database O - Only update the upload date for files already in the database U - Do not update upload date for files already in the database Z - Check for and import FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI as extended description K - Keep original short description (don't override with DIZ) S - Search for files in directory (no file list for names and descriptions) *user: The *user parameter sets the name of the uploader of the files to the string following the asterisk. An example would be: "*Digital Man". If an uploader is not specified, files will be added with "-> ADDFILES <-" as the uploader. The quotation marks are only necessary for uploader names of more than one word. The quotation marks are not used as part of the actual name. Example: *Joe is OK *Joe Doe is NOT OK "*Joe Doe" is OK Multiple uploader names can be used if more than one file or file list is being added. Example: ADDFILES GAMES "*Bob" +FILES.BBS "*John Doe" TICTAC.ZIP "tic-tac-toe" The above command line would add the files listed in FILES.BBS using "Bob" as the uploader, and then add TICTAC.ZIP using "John Doe" as the uploader. file "description": You can specify individual filename and description pairs on the command line to add. The filename is NOT case sensitive and the description IS. The quotation marks are only necessary for descriptions of more than one word. Example: TICTAC.ZIP Tic-Tac-Toe is OK TICTAC.ZIP Tic Tac Toe is NOT OK TICTAC.ZIP "Tic Tac Toe" is OK +list [desc_off] [size_off]: An ASCII text file list can be specified for adding to the database. The format of the file must be as follows (FILES.BBS lists work best): Filename and description on single line. Number of spaces between filename and description doesn't matter. Filename must contain a period (.). Example: TICTAC.ZIP is OK TICTAC ZIP is NOT OK TICTAC .ZIP is OK Lines beginning with control characters or extended ASCII characters are ignored (this includes blank lines). Up to 58 characters of description are used. Lines following a filename/description line that begin with space are used as additional information for the description, and the entire description is used as an extended description for the file as well. The name of the file list is specified on the command line after the plus (+) character. Example: ADDFILES GAMES +FILES.BBS If the file list is not located in the current directory, you must specify the complete path to the file list: ADDFILES GAMES +C:\LISTS\FILES.BBS If no filename/description pairs are given on the command line and no +list parameter is given, ADDFILES will attempt to use a file list with the dir_code as the filename and .LST as the extension. Example: ADDFILES GAMES Would add files to the GAMES directory using GAMES.LST as the file list. If GAMES.LST is can not be found, it will look for FILES.BBS in the current directory or in the directory's storage path. If a file list is specified on the command line, but is not found in the current directory, the storage path for that directory is searched. If the file list exists, it will be imported from there. desc_off: If a filelist is specified on the command line, a description offset can be specified as the next argument. If used, this parameter will specify at what column to start importing the descriptions. For PCBoard DIR file format, you should specify a description offset of 33. Example: ADDFILES GAMES +DIR10 33 This offset is also used for the importing of any extended description lines. size_off: If a filelist is specified on the command line with a description offset, a file size offset can be specified too. If a file size offset is specified, the disk does not need to be searched for the size of the file to determine the credit value. This is useful for adding lists of files from a CD-ROM drive as it speeds up process since the CD does not need to be scanned for the file size. This parameter is also useful for importing off-line file lists, where the file doesn't actually exist on the drive. For PCBoard DIR file format, this offset should be set to 13. Example: ADDFILES GAMES +DIR10 33 13
Description: This utility creates an ASCII text file list of the files in a Synchronet file transfer database. This utility is useful for creating file lists for users to download, exporting into other programs, or for easy statistics reporting by the sysop. The default output is compatible with the FILES.BBS standard format. Options are available for enhancing the output for your needs. Understand that this is an EXPORT utility and is not necessary for the normal execution of Synchronet. This utility exports from the binary indexed file databases of Synchronet into ASCII text. If you are looking for a program to IMPORT files from ASCII into Synchronet, you need to look for the ADDFILES utility for Synchronet. If you are just trying to ADD files to your Synchronet database, then you need to read Sysop Commands - specifically the ";UPLOAD" sysop transfer section command. Syntax: usage: FILELIST [dir_code] [switches] outfile switches: /LIB name All directories of specified library /ALL All directories in all libraries /NOT code Exclude specific directory /CAT Concatenate to existing outfile /PAD Pad filename with spaces /HDR Include directory headers /CDT Include credit value /ULN Include uploader's name /ULD Include upload date /DFD Include DOS file date /DLD Include download date /DLS Include total downloads /NOD Exclude normal descriptions /NOE Exclude normal descriptions, if extended exists /EXT Include extended descriptions /JST Justify extended descriptions under normal /+ Include extended description indicator (+) /- Include offline file indicator (-) /* Short-hand for /PAD /HDR /CDT /+ /-
Either the "/LIB name", "/ALL", or <dir_code> parameter must be included for a list to be generated. If you want to create a list of files for a single file directory, use that directory's internal code as the first parameter on the command line. If you want all directories in a certain library to be in the list, use the "/LIB name" switch - where "name" is the short name of the library you want to list. If the library short name is more than one word, you most puts quotes around the name (e.g. /LIB "short name"). If you want to include all the directories on your system in the list, use the "/ALL" parameter. If you want to exclude a specific directory from a library (when using the "/LIB" or "/ALL" parameters), use the "/NOT" switch and follow the switch with the internal code of the directory to NOT include in the list. If you wish to exclude multiple directories, you must use multiple "/NOT" switches. If you want the list to be appended to an existing file rather than overwrite the original file, include the "/CAT" switch on your command line. The default format for file names is non-padded (FILE.EXT). If you want the list to have the filename and extension in separate columns (like the file listings inside Synchronet), use the "/PAD" switch, so that "FILE.EXT" will be displayed as "FILE .EXT". If you want a small header to be placed at the beginning of each directory, include the "/HDR" switch. The header contains the library short name, the directory long name, and the total number of files in the directory. If you want the credit value of the file (normally the same as the file size) included in the listing, include the "/CDT" switch on the command line. If you want the name of the uploader of each file to be included in the list, use the "/ULN" switch on the command line. If you want the date of the upload (in MM/DD/YY format) to be included in the list, use the "/ULD" switch on the command line. If you want the DOS file date to be included in the file listing, use the "/DFD" switch on the command line. If you want the date of the most recent download (in MM/DD/YY format) to be included in the list, use the "/DLD" switch on the command line. If you want the total number of downloads for each file included in the list, use the "/DLS" switch on the command line. If you DO NOT want the normal (58 character) description included in the file list, include the "/NOD" switch on the command line. If you want the normal description to be excluded only if an extended description exists, then use the "/NOE" switch. This is useful for generating file lists from a directory where the original descriptions were imported from an ASCII file list using ADDFILES. When using this switch, you do not have to include the "/EXT" switch. If you want extended descriptions to be included in the file list, use the "/EXT" switch on the command line. If you want extended descriptions to be automatically justified under the normal description, include the "/JST" switch on the command line. You do not have to include the "/EXT" switch if you use this switch. If you want the '+' identifiers for extended descriptions to be included in the list, use the "/+" switch. If you want the existence of each file to be verified and non-existent (offline) files to be indicated by a '-', use the "/-" switch. This switch should NOT be used for CD-ROM directories. To generate a list most closely resembling the internal Synchronet file listing format, use the "/*" switch. It is the same as including the "/HDR", "/CDT", "/PAD", "/+", and "/-" switches. SBBSNODE Environment Variable: Prior to running FILELIST you must set the SBBSNODE environment variable to the path of one of your NODE directories. Example: SET SBBSNODE=C:\SBBS\NODE1 Examples: FILES.BBS If you want to create a simple FILES.BBS format listing of your GAMES directory (and the directory's internal code is "GAMES"), then use the following command line: FILELIST GAMES FILES.BBS This command line would create the file "FILES.BBS" in your current DOS directory with a list of the filenames and descriptions in your Synchronet GAMES file directory. This file could then be imported into another BBS package or used by another FILES.BBS compatible program for searching, sorting, moving or other file maintenance. FILELIST.TXT If you want to create a list of all the files on your BBS that closely matches the format of the internal Synchronet file listings, use the following command line: FILELIST /* /ALL FILELIST.TXT This command line would create the file "FILELIST.TXT" in your current DOS directory with a list of the filenames, credit values, and descriptions of all the files in your Synchronet file transfer database. A header for each file directory would be included and the filenames would be padded with spaces for easier viewing. To generate the same list, but include any extended descriptions as well, add the "/EXT" switch after the "/ALL" parameter. FILESTAT.TXT If you wanted to create a list of all the files on your BBS with detailed statistical information, you may want to use a command line similar to the following: FILELIST /* /ALL /NOD /ULN /ULD /DLD /DLS FILESTAT.TXT This command line would create a list of the files with the uploader's name, the date the file was uploaded, the date of the most recent download, and the total number of downloads. The "/NOD" switch would cause the descriptions to be excluded from the list. This list could then be used for statistic reports. It would be a fairly simple programming task to create a utility that read in this generated file and created file popularity graphs or a list of the most valued uploaders. The possibilities are endless. NOTE: The functionality of creating file lists is not limited to only this utility. There are commands to generate file lists (of both New files and All files) from the Temp Directory menu in the Synchronet transfer section. Users can use these commands to generate lists for download immediately. Also, QWK packets generated in Synchronet contain a file named "NEWFILES.DAT" - an ASCII text file containing a list of files uploaded since the user's last logon. The main advantages of this utility over the internal file list generation capabilities of Synchronet are its output format flexibility and compatibility with the FILES.BBS standard.
DUPEFIND.EXE is used to find duplicate file names in your Synchronet file database. This is most useful for CD-ROM installations, where files may be duplicated on the CD-ROM and your hard disk. Duplicate files can be a waste of memory and disk space on your BBS. Before DUPEFIND is run, you must have your SBBSNODE environment variable set to point to a valid node directory. Example: SET SBBSNODE=C:\SBBS\NODE1 DUPEFIND can be run with no parameters to search all of your file directories in Synchronet for duplicate file names. If you wish to keep this list for reference, it is a good idea to redirect the output to a file or printer. Example: DUPEFIND > PRN You can also specify a starting and ending library number to limit the search to certain libraries. Example: DUPEFIND 1 3 would only search file libraries 1 through 3 for duplicate file names.
usage: DELFILES <dir_code or * for ALL> [switches] switches: /LIB name All directories of specified library /NOT code Exclude specific directory /OFF Remove files that are offline (don't exist on disk) /NOL Remove files with no link (don't exist in database) /RPT Report findings only (don't delete any files) Examples: If you wanted to remove ALL files that are offline (don't exist on disk) you would use the command line: DELFILES * /OFF To remove files that exist on the disk but not in the Synchronet file database you would use: DELFILES * /NOL Or to simply remove files that match the criteria specified in the SCFG program you would use: DELFILES * The /NOT parameter is used to exclude certain directories: DELFILES * /NOT GAMES /NOT TEXT Or you can specify a library name rather than a directory name: DELFILES /LIB <library name> Appending /RPT to the command line will cause DELFILES to generate a report of files that would have been removed, but it will not actually remove any files.
The MLABELS utility is used to generate a list of mailing labels from a Synchronet user database. Two basic label forms are supported, single column (e.g. Avery 4145) and double column (e.g. Avery 4143). Specific groups of users to print labels for can be specified by level, flags, exemptions, or restrictions. If the BBS is real name based (no aliases), and the "Company Name" new user question is toggled on in SCFG, then the company name will appear at the top of the address and an ATTN: <User's Name> can optionally be added to the end of the address (with the use of the "/A" command line switch). Syntax: MLABELS C:\SBBS\DATA\USER [-required] [/options] <output> User Data Path The first parameter is the path to your USER.DAT file. The example given is the default location of the USER.DAT file ("\SBBS\DATA\USER"). Requirements The second parameter, "-require" is optional. Use this parameter to specify a security requirement for the users to be included. Multiple "-require" parameters can be specified, and the syntax is as follows: -L# set minimum level to # (default is 0) -M# set maximum level to # (default is 99) -F#<flags> set required flags for flag set # (Default is flag set #1) -E<flags> set required exemption flags -R<flags> set required restriction flags The syntax of the -require option is identical to the ALLUSERS utility, so please see the chapter on ALLUSERS for examples of how to use this parameter. Options The next parameter, if specified, are one or more valid option characters following the slash '/' character. The available option characters are: D Double column labels A Add ATTN: <Alias/Real Name> to the labels Output The last parameter is the name of the output file. If you want the output to go immediately to the printer, specify "PRN" as the output file. Example: MLABELS \SBBS\DATA\USER PRN If you wish to view the labels before you print them, specify a filename. Example: MLABELS \SBBS\DATA\USER LABELS.TXT Complete Example MLABELS \SBBS\DATA\USER -L50 -M59 -FP /DA PRN The above command line would create a double wide mailing list containing all users with security levels between 50 and 59 and flag 'P' from flag set #1, and send the output directly to the printer, adding "ATTN: <Alias/Name>" to the end of each label. Example label: John Doe 555 Main St. Small Town, Ny 01234 ATTN: Mr. Anonymous
usage: qwknodes [/opts] cmds cmds: r = create ROUTE.DAT u = create USERS.DAT n = create NODES.DAT opts: f = format addresses for nodes that feed from this system a = append existing output files t = include tag lines in NODES.DAT l = include local users in USERS.DAT m# = maximum message age set to # days The QWKNODES utility is used to scan through all the messages in all of your QWK networked sub-boards and create one or more lists: ROUTE.DAT The DATA\QNET\ROUTE.DAT file is automatically created and maintained by SBBS. It includes the routing necessary to get netmail from your BBS to any other QWKnet BBS (using Synchronet's QWKnet extensions) in your QWK network. Entries are automatically added, modified, and removed (when out-dated). You can use QWKNODES to create this file (by scanning your QWK networked message bases), but it isn't normally necessary. If you are a QWKnet hub and wish to create a ROUTE.DAT for your QWKnet nodes (other BBSs that call your BBS for QWKnet messages), you must include the /F command line option when creating the file (and DO NOT put that ROUTE.DAT in your DATA\QNET directory as the routing information will be incorrect for your system). This is a convenience for your QWKnet nodes which allows them to immediately send routed QWK netmail (without waiting for SBBS to create the ROUTE.DAT automatically while parsing incoming echomail). USERS.DAT The DATA\QNET\USERS.DAT file (if it exists) is used by SBBS to look-up user names on other BBSs in your QWK network when attempting to send e-mail to an unknown user name. The QWKNODES utility must be used to create this file (most likely via timed event). If the /L command line option is specified when this file is created, it will include the names of users that posted from YOUR BBS as well as all others in the network (not of any use to SBBS, but informative if you wish to create a list of ALL active users in your QWK network). Only users who are active in the message bases (on any of the BBSs) will appear in the USERS.DAT file. NODES.DAT While this file is informative (list of all QWKnet nodes that have generated messages in your QWKnet sub-boards) it is not used by SBBS currently. If the /T command line option is specified when this file is created, it will include a copy of each node's tagline in the list in addition to their QWK-ID and routing details. /A The /A option is used to append (concatenate) an existing output file. If this option isn't specified any existing output file (ROUTE.DAT, USERS.DAT, or NODES.DAT) will be truncated and overwritten. /M# The maximum message age option is used to specify a maximum age of messages (in days) to include in the list of messages scanned to obtain user/node /routing information from (example: /M90 to specify a maximum age of 90 days causing QWKNODES to ignore any messages older than 90 days). The default behavior is all messages (no maximum age). Note: Output files are created in the current directory. While it is possible to create all three output files from one execution of QWKNODES, the U command will cause duplicate entries in the NODES.DAT and ROUTE.DAT files. So it is best to create the USERS.DAT in a separate execution of the QWKNODES utility. Example: QWKNODES RN -> To create ROUTE.DAT and NODES.DAT QWKNODES U -> To create USERS.DAT
ALLUSERS can allow a sysop to modify the security settings for a large number of users with one command line. If you're a Synchronet sysop, you may have found yourself at one time or another going through the internal User Editor searching for users with a certain flag or exemption and changing their level, removing an exemption, adding a restriction, etc. The User Editor's ARS search facility is very quick and flexible, but having to hand modify each user, even with the use of macros, can be very tedious with a large user database. This program attempts to eliminate the monotony of such a task. With a single command line, you can change security levels, add/remove flags, exemptions, or restrictions to some or all of the users in your database. The syntax is pretty simple: Syntax ALLUSERS C:\SBBS\DATA\USER -require /modify User Data Path The first parameter, "C:\SBBS\DATA\USER" is the directory where your USER.DAT file is located. The example given is the default location of the USER.DAT file. If the USER.DAT is in the current directory, the path should be simply "." for current directory. This parameter is not optional. Requirements The second parameter, "-require" is optional. Use this parameter to specify a security requirement for the modifications to follow. Multiple "-require" parameters can be specified, and the syntax is as follows: -L# set minimum level to # (default is 0) -M# set maximum level to # (default is 99) -F#<flags> set required flags for flag set # (Default is flag set #1) -E<flags> set required exemption flags -R<flags> set required restriction flags Examples: -L20 indicates that only users with a level of 20 or higher will be modified -M80 indicates that only users with a level of 80 or lower will be modified -FC indicates that only users with flag 'C' from flag set #1 will be modified -F3G indicates that only users with flag 'G' from flag set #3 will be modified -RA indicates that only users with the 'A' restriction will be modified If multiple requirement parameters are specified, they must each begin with a dash '-' character and be separated by at least one space. Examples: -L50 -M59 indicates that only users between level 50 and 59 will be modified -RB -F2M indicates that only users with the 'B' restriction and flag 'M' in flag set #2 will be modified Multiple required flags may be specified as well. Example: -F4AC indicates that only users with both the 'A' and 'C' flags from flag set #4 will be modified -EPLM indicates that only users with the 'P', 'L', and 'M' exemptions will be modified Modifications Next on the command line are one or more modification parameters. Each modification parameter begins with the slash '/' character. The available modification parameters are as follows: /L# set level to # /F#[+|-]<flags> add or remove flags from flag set # /E[+|-]<flags> add or remove exemption flags /R[+|-]<flags> add or remove restriction flags Examples: /L20 indicates that all users' levels will be changed to 20 /FA indicates that flag 'A' from flag set #1 will be added to all users /F3-G indicates that flag 'G' will be removed from flag set #3 for all users /E+L indicates that exemption 'L' will be added to all users /R-N indicates that restriction 'N' will be removed from all users Flag set #1 is the default, so "/F1+A" and "/F+A" are equivalent. Addition of flags (+) is the default, so "/F+A" and "/FA" are equivalent. Flags and parameters are not case sensitive, so "/FA" and "/fa" are equivalent. Multiple modification parameters can be used. Example: /L40 /F2-Z indicates that all users will be set to level 40 and have flag 'Z' from flag set #2 removed Multiple flags per modification may be specified. Example: /RAB indicates that both 'A' and 'B' restrictions will be added to all users. Complete Examples To change all level 20 users to level 30, use the following command line: ALLUSERS C:\SBBS\DATA\USER -L20 -M20 /L30 To give all QWKnet node users the 'M' exemption, use the following command: ALLUSERS C:\SBBS\DATA\USER -RQ /EM To give all users below level 90, the 'B' restriction, use the following: ALLUSERS C:\SBBS\DATA\USER -M89 /RB To give all users with level 50 or higher, the 'M' and 'L' exemptions: ALLUSERS C:\SBBS\DATA\USER -L50 /EML To remove flag 'C' from flag sets #1 and #2 from all users: ALLUSERS C:\SBBS\DATA\USER /F1-C /F2-C
The AUTONODE utility is used for automatically finding an available local node for logon and running that node. You set the first local node number in SCFG->System->Advanced Options->First Local Auto-Node. In order for the AUTONODE utility to run, you must first set the SBBSCTRL and SBBSNODE environment variables. Add the lines: SET SBBSCTRL=C:\SBBS\CTRL SET SBBSNODE=C:\SBBS\NODE1 to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If your CTRL or NODE1 directories are in a different locations, then specify the correct paths accordingly. This utility is useful for systems that have more than one local node. This eliminates the need for those users to change into an unused node directory and run SBBS. It will automatically find the first unused local node and take them to the logon prompt. When they logoff, they will return to the DOS prompt. If for some reason, you do not wish the user to automatically go to a logon prompt or to exit back to DOS after logoff, you can specify which command line to use when running SBBS. The default is "SBBS L Q", which tells Synchronet to take the user straight to the logon prompt and then quit back to DOS.
The NODE utility can be used to display or control the status of nodes from the DOS prompt or via batch files. usage: node [/debug] [action [on|off]] [node numbers] [...] actions (default is list): list = list status anon = anonymous user lock = locked intr = interrupt down = shut-down rerun = rerun event = run event nopage = page disable noalerts = activity alerts disable status=# = set status value (definition of status values at end of section) useron=# = set useron number action=# = set action value (definition of action values at end of section) errors=# = set error counter conn=# = set connection value misc=# = set misc value aux=# = set aux value extaux=# = set extended aux value Before the NODE utility can be run, the SBBSCTRL environment variable must be set to point to your CTRL directory. Example: SET SBBSCTRL=C:\SBBS\CTRL Place this line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to automatically set this variable at boot-up. It is necessary for the NODE utility to find the shared node control files. If your CTRL directory is in a different location, use the correct path for the SET command. If you want to be able to run the NODE utility from any directory, you must have the NODE.COM program in one of your DOS search directories. Either copy this file into a directory already in your DOS search path, or add your Synchronet EXEC directory to your search path in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Example: SET PATH=C:\DOS;C:\UTIL;C:\SBBS\EXEC (DOS and UTIL directory are included for example only). Running NODE To run the NODE utility, you must type the word "NODE", an action (ex: "LOCK"), then a list of nodes to take the action on (ex: "1 2 4 5"). If no node numbers are specified, it is assumed you wanted to perform the action on ALL nodes. Some actions can have an option "ON" or "OFF" state specified. Typing "NODE LOCK 1" would toggle the "locked" state of node 1. If it were previously off, it would be set to on. To be sure you are setting the state to either on or off rather than toggling, you may specify on or off (e.g. "NODE LOCK ON 1" would set the locked state of node 1 to on). Some actions are setting a value for the node status. These actions are listed with "=#" after the action word. This indicates that you must specify a numeric value for that status option (e.g. "NODE USERON=1 5" would set the current user number on node 5 to 1). The optional "/debug" switch can be used to view the current numeric values associated with the node status. Example Usage Example #1: To list the status of all your nodes, type NODE LIST Example #2: To lock node 1, type NODE LOCK ON 1 Example #3: To unlock nodes 1 and 2, type NODE LOCK OFF 1 2 Example #4: To set the status of node 3 to "Offline", type NODE STATUS=5 3 Example #5: To interrupt and lock node 4, type NODE INTR ON 4 LOCK ON 4 Example #6: To clear the error counter of all nodes, type NODE ERRORS=0 Example #7: To toggle the "rerun" status of all nodes, type NODE RERUN Example #8: To down node 2, type NODE DOWN ON 2 Definition of Numeric Values Possible Node Status Values: 0 Waiting for call 1 At logon prompt 2 New user applying for access 3 User online 4 User online in quiet mode 5 Offline 6 Networking 7 Waiting for all nodes to become inactive before running timed event 8 Running timed event 9 Waiting for timed event node to finish running event Possible Node Action Values: 0 Main Prompt 1 Reading Messages 2 Reading Mail 3 Sending Mail 4 Reading G-Files 5 Reading Sent Mail 6 Posting Message 7 Auto-message 8 Running External Program (aux=program number) 9 Main Defaults Section 10 Transfer Prompt 11 Downloading File (aux=estimated time of transfer completion) 12 Uploading File 13 Bi-directional Transfer (aux=estimated time of transfer completion) 14 Listing Files 15 Logging on 16 In Local Chat with Sysop 17 In Multi-Chat with Other Nodes 18 In Local Chat with Guru 19 In Chat Section 20 Sysop Activity 21 Transferring QWK packet 22 In Private Chat (aux=node chatting with) 23 Paging another node for Private Chat (aux=node being paged) 24 Retrieving file from a sequential device (aux=device num) Bits Used in Node Misc: 0 Anonymous User 1 Locked for sysops only 2 Interrupted - hang up 3 Message is waiting for user 4 Paging disabled 5 Activity Alert disabled 6 User data has been updated by another node 7 Re-run this node when logoff 8 Must run node event after logoff 9 Down this node after logoff 10 Reset private chat 11 Message is waiting for node
This UTI driver complies with UTI Driver Specification Rev 2.1 by Kip Compton. This driver is for use with PostLink v1.05+ and possibly MegaMail. Copy the UTI driver files: UTIVER.EXE Returns UTI version number (2) UTILIST.EXE Generates list of conferences (sub-boards) UTIHIGH.EXE Returns highest message number in a conference UTILSTRD.EXE Generates list of message pointers for a user UTIIMPRT.EXE Imports messages into a conference UTIEXPRT.EXE Exports messages from a conference into your PostLink directory, or another directory that is in your DOS search path. The UTIDOOR.EXE program is not part of this driver set, since Synchronet can generate a UTIDOOR.TXT file internally. You may need to know that the conference identifiers, as well as the name of each conference, is the same as the Synchronet internal code for each conference. This allows you to modify your message base configuration in Synchronet without having to immediately "Update" the network or mail software conference list to avoid a catastrophe. However, you should still "Update" the network or mail software to avoid configuration confusion - especially when deleting sub-boards. ERROR LEVELS If one of the UTI driver programs exits with an error level, you can define the error with the following table. If the UTI driver program exits with an unlisted error level, please contact Digital Dynamics. Level Description 1 Syntax error on command line 2 Cannot open/create UTI text file 3 Memory allocation error 4 Too many messages in a conference to import 5 Cannot open Synchronet message data file 6 Cannot open Synchronet message index file 7 Unrecognized Synchronet sub-board code 8 Cannot open Synchronet user name data file 9 Cannot find user name in Synchronet user database 10 Cannot open Synchronet message pointer index If you get an error 2, 5, 6, 8, or 10, you may want to double check the number of files handles you are reserving in your CONFIG.SYS file (FILES=# statement) and try increasing it. If you get an error 3, then you need to make more DOS memory available to the UTI driver and the parent program (i.e. PostLink).
Usage: slog [path] where path is the directory where CSTS.DAB is located. If your SBBSCTRL environment variable is set and no path is specified, it will use the system's statistics file located in the CTRL directory. To set your SBBSCTRL environment variable, add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT: SET SBBSCTRL=C:\SBBS\CTRL Make sure the path is the correct path for the Synchronet CTRL directory in your configuration. If you want to list the statistics of a specific node on your system (same as using the ;NLOG command from the main menu, or the 'N' WFC command), specify the path for that node on the command line. Example: SLOG C:\SBBS\NODE1 If a path is not specified and the SBBSCTRL environment variable is not set, the current directory will be searched for CSTS.DAB. The output of SLOG can be redirected to a file or printer for easy viewing. Example: SLOG > PRN or SLOG > SLOG.TXT
Description: DSTSEDIT (Daily Statistics Editor) is used to edit the statistic values of your BBS that are stored in the DSTS.DAB file in your CTRL directory. There is also a separate DSTS.DAB file in each node directory which stores the statistic values for that individual node. This utility can be used to edit either of the two statistic types: System or Node. Usage: To edit your system's statistics, you can either run DSTSEDIT with your CTRL directory as the current directory, or run DSTSEDIT with the path of the CTRL directory as an argument. Example: DSTSEDIT C:\SBBS\CTRL To edit an individual node's statistics, you can either run DSTSEDIT with the node's directory as the current directory, or run DSTSEDIT with the node's directory as an argument. Example: DSTSEDIT C:\SBBS\NODE1
The TOTALS.COM utility is used to generate a total gain/loss of multiple log files created by SBBS external programs that adjust user credits and log the adjustments in text files. Each file containing one line that contains the gain/loss value in credits. It is a positive value if it had net winnings (took more credits than it gave), and negative value if it had a net loss (gave away more credits than it took). The Synchronet external programs that currently generate such logs (by running the program with the /L option) are Synchronet Blackjack, Dice War, and Domain Poker. usage: totals <log files [...]> examples: totals *.log totals 06*.log 07*.log 080192.log
ANSI to Synchronet Ctrl-A message format conversion utility This utility will convert basic non-animated ANSI files into Synchronet Ctrl-A code files that can be displayed to color or monochrome ansi users with attractive results as well as non-ansi users. This allows you to use an ANSI drawing program (such as TheDraw) to create your menus in ANSI and convert the ANSI file to Ctrl-A message format for your .ASC or .MSG version. Or you can use the converted file for all users by keeping the ANSI (.ANS) version in a directory other than TEXT\MENU. If, for example, you create a main menu with an ANSI drawing program that you want your ASCII and monochrome ANSI users to see with attractive output, use ANS2ASC to create the .MON and .ASC versions. Type: ans2asc main.ans main.mon in your TEXT\MENU directory to create the monochrome version. Type: ans2asc main.ans main.asc in your TEXT\MENU directory to create the ASCII version. If you rename MAIN.ANS or move into a directory other than TEXT\MENU, then you will not need the .MON version as the .ASC version will be used for all terminal types. This utility is also useful for creating colorful system, newuser, feedback and other Synchronet .MSG files for display. For example, create TEXT\SYSTEM.ANS with your favorite ANSI editor and then convert to .MSG by typing: ans2asc system.ans system.msg Be aware that ANSI animation codes are NOT supported since there aren't Ctrl-A equivalents. The following ANSI codes (preceded by <ESC>[) are supported: ANSI Code Ctrl-A Code Explanation (* indicates not supported by IBM) 2J L Clear Screen #C 7Fh-FFh Move cursor right # columns 0m N Normal attribute 1m H High intensity 2m N Low intensity * 3m I Italic * 4m I Underline * 5m I Blink 6m I Rapid Blink * 7m H Reverse Video * 8m E Concealed text * 30m K Foreground black 31m R Foreground red 32m G Foreground green 33m Y Foreground yellow 34m B Foreground blue 35m M Foreground magenta 36m C Foreground cyan 37m W Foreground white 40m 0 Foreground black 41m 1 Foreground red 42m 2 Foreground green 43m 3 Foreground yellow 44m 4 Foreground blue 45m 5 Foreground magenta 46m 6 Foreground cyan 47m 7 Foreground white
Converts Synchronet Ctrl-A file to ANSI escape sequences. This utility allows you to convert files that use Ctrl-A codes into ANSI files. (the opposite of the ANS2ASC utility). The syntax is: asc2ans main.asc main.ans The extension for the input file will most likely be .ASC or .MSG and the output file should be .ANS. This utility is also useful for viewing files with Synchronet Ctrl-A codes from the DOS prompt. Example: asc2ans main.asc con This will read from the Ctrl-A file MAIN.ASC and write to your screen using ANSI escape sequences.
Copyright © 2000 by Rob Swindell
Synchronet BBS Software (Synchronet)
Version 3 is comprised of several documentation,
library, executable, and source code
files, all of which are covered by the
GNU General Public License with the exception of the following portions
covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License:
Synchronet Version 2 (for DOS and OS/2) and its source code was released to the
Public Domain by Digital Dynamics
in 1997 and remains Public Domain software today.
Synchronet Version 3 is not Public Domain software.
Rob Swindell
PO Box 501
Yorba Linda, CA 92885
For the complete Copyright Information please read the Copyright Documentation .